Friday 10 October 2014

memories- ideas

With memory as a theme it can give you a great amount of potential. I could use my own memories, a family members or even a friends memory as a main part of my video. I could use old photos and old family videos to create my own video.

I do like the idea of using old family photos I could do quite a lot with them for example I could show the photos in the video while having someone talk about the memories that the photos bring back. The problem with that would be who would I focus on?


I like the idea of spreading the photos around and only showing small parts so that its like some one is trying the remember but cant remember the whole thing.


I did look at Jackson Patterson who photography shows two scene in one I like the thought of layering photos together or videos so that it seem that the memories are confusing.


I could also hang the photos up or have them collages on a wall their are a couple of idea that I like to try out. The photo above is a great example of what I would like to do. If it works I could great a video that moves from photo to photos showing the full photo and only small parts. The light would be similar as well since I want to high light some photos and hide others.

1 comment:

  1. Can I use one of your photos for my book cover design if you may? Sir/Ma'am?
